President Duterte to Revive Masagana 99, Ph Road to Rice Sufficiency

Masagana 99, was a succesful project of the Late FEM way back in 1973. The project was a success that for decades of importing rice the project made the Phillippines self sufficient in rice and was even able to first time export excess rice production in other countries in 1977-78.

The project promoted the planting of the "Green revolution variety" of rice, developed by our very own scientists in the International Rice Research Institute in UP Los Banos Laguna.
Green revolution variety which is high yielding expecting to produce 99 cavans or 4900 kilos per hectar per planting season, thus the name Masagana 99.

The rice variety has been proved high yielding with the support of the government to farmers for the purchase of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation system.

The program had four elements Access to improved technology, credit support, price support for rice and provision of low-cost fertilizer.
Sec Manny Pinol of the Dept of Agriculture recently announced the interest of corporations like San Miguel Corporations in its Social Corporate Responsibility it desires to help the farmers by buying directly through the DA there by eliminating middlemen and will give better price for farmers and consumers alike
this coupled with the implementation of Masagana 99 project will boost agri industry and self sufficiency in rice as a staple food for the Filipinos.
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